Binjiang provides top-grade built-in sports facilities near residential quarters

The Most Beautiful Track (Photo by Xu Qingqing)

Built-in sports facilities, including spacious courts, trendy skating parks and flat footpaths, have been newly built near Wentao Road along Binjiang River, to meet adults’ demands for sports and exercises. Citizens may practice Tai Chi in the park, play basketball, volleyball or tennis on the courts and cycle on the cycling paths while enjoying the beautiful river scenery and the fresh coolness of the shady paths. In addition, sand pits and sport climbing facilities have been provided at riverside parks for the entertainment of the kids. These sports facilities have created small spaces for leisure activities for people of all age brackets. Binjiang has been known as a pacesetter in the innovative development. These sports facilities have undoubtedly brought breath of life to Binjiang and enable employees to enjoy sports and fitness near their companies and homes. Appropriate blank and greening space enhance people’s sense of gains and happiness and will eventually evoke their sense of belonging.